Welcome to my Portfolio!
BlogWelcome to my new blog! It’s a place for me to share my research, projects, and other topics I’m passionate about.
Farewell, GrowStocks.
BlogEvery good thing must come to an end… GrowStocks was an online item price checker for the Growtopia game, originally launched in 2018. Read more about our journey in this post.
Building a line following robot using a microcontroller and LEDs
C/C++ Engineering Programming RoboticsJoin us on our journey to build a competition-winning line following robot from hardware to software using an Arch Pro microcontroller, white LEDs and photoresistors, coded in C++.
Calculating the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) on a microcontroller
C/C++ Engineering ProgrammingImplementing a Fast Fourier Transform algorithm on a microcontroller is not straightforward. Join me on my journey of optimizations to make the algorithm work!
Flutter Internationalization without BuildContext
Flutter ProgrammingFor weeks I have been looking for ways to internationalize a Flutter app without using the Build Context. I finally came up with a quick and hacky way to do so that requires minimal code changes.